Imagine Nations Youth exists to support you in raising teenagers to become totally committed followers of Jesus.
We’d love to tell you more about who we are, what we do, and why we do it!
QUICK TIP: You can subscribe to our parent’s email list down the page!
The Who of INY
INY is led by Pastors Matt & Asha Rau (Masha for short).
They’ve been the youth pastors of Imagine Nations Church since 2019 and are passionate about supporting young people and YOU, as their parents, through the teenage years.
INY is blessed by a volunteer team of trained youth leaders who are united with our passion and vision to see young people grow & mature to become more like Jesus.
All of our youth leaders undertake in-house training & mandated ACC Safer Churches training designed to equip them to lead young people safely.
What do we do?
INY Friday Nights
Every Friday during the school term over 100 young people together for INY Friday Nights.
Young people find belonging in both the larger INY family & small groups of peers and leaders.
We believe gathering in a large group has a huge impact on a young person’s life.
They learn they are not alone in their faith journey.
They have the chance to decompress from the week & look forward with hope for the one to come.
Most importantly, coming regularly creates a space outside of their school & home to mature in their faith.
Every Friday Night a young person can expect vibrant praise & worship, strong teaching of God’s Word, prayer ministry, small group gatherings - as well as plenty of time for socialising & fun.
Our Fridays are for all high school students (+ Year 6 during Term 4 each year) and run from 7pm-9pm each Friday during the school term
Connect Groups
Connect Groups (CGs) are small groups that meet together through the week.
We believe in the power of a large gathering but also believe small groups create opportunities for genuine discipleship through relationship.
CGs give young people an opportunity to be mentored by our youth team, as well as being supported to build friendships that are real and we hope lasting.
We often see CGs help young people counteract the ever-changing school social environment with a steady group of friends who are supported by mature leaders.
Connect Groups meet in groups based around age, year & existing friendships at school.
Young people can request to join a group or often are invited to come along when they meet some of our team on Friday Nights or Sunday Services.
CG Meet Ups meet weekly on Friday Nights (Jnr groups) or other nights (Snr groups).
CG Leaders also keep in contact with young people through organising social events, inviting young people out to church gatherings, or just generally checking in & pastorally supporting young people.
Special One-Off Events
Outside of the regular rhythm of Friday Nights and Connect Groups - INY runs special events that are big memory makers in the lives of young people
Teenagers are only teenagers for 6 years… and often the big moments of their teenage journey are remembered through the experiences they have on camps, conferences & social days out.
These special moments are often where God lays strong faith foundations & builds unbreakable bonds in our INY family.
Summercamp (SC) is our biggest event of the year! It truly is an experience like no other!
I’m sure you don’t need much convincing to send your young person away for a couple of days with God, our team and their friends at the beach at the pointy end of school holidays - right?

SCs are designed to encourage young people to dream big & build hope for the year ahead. They inspire young people to set goals, renew friendships, and step up to a new level of maturity each and every year.
SCs usually run in mid-late January and are unmissable!
We’ve never had a young person miss a Summercamp due to financial barriers - so we fundraise hard to support all of our families to make it out.
Youth Alive Events
Youth Alive is an organisation that gathers youth ministries across Australia together for regional & state-based events that aim to reach young people, raise youth leaders & resource local youth ministries.
Ps Matt is the Sydney West Regional Leader and every year we have the opportunity to host a large regional event in partnership with churches across our region.
Youth Alive events help young people see their part & position in God’s wider Kingdom work in Australia!
Encounter Weekends
Encounter weekends are our key strategy to help young people find freedom in their personal lives and inspire with Bible-based teaching on personal character, overcoming past hurts & living out their Christian convictions in the world.
These retreat-style camps cover a wide range of topics including family, friendships, overcoming rejection, extending forgiveness, sexuality (age-appropriate) & the power of the cross - as well as topics relevant to current cultural issues.
We hope all young people leave with a stronger walk with Jesus & new strength by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Safe Ministry
INY is committed to upholding the Child Safe Standards. All INY team members over 18 hold a verified and current WWCC# and all team are trained in Safe Church ministry and agree to a Code of Conduct.
The safety of your young person is extremely important to us & we will always take any of your concerns seriously and follow set policies & procedures. To read our Child Protection Policy Information for Parents click here, for Young People click here
If you ever have a concern for the safety or wellbeing your child, another person’s child, or the actions of one of our team, or anyone else, please contact our safer churches officer, Ps Allyson Parker on 4736 3000, or use the contact form at the bottom of the page.
We’re just a phone call away - stay in touch!
There’s plenty of ways you can get in touch with the leadership of INY & stay in touch with all things INY!
Check out more pages on our website (, follow us on social media (@inyouth on Instagram and Facebook) or sign up for our regular parents email to get the inside scoop.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out through our website, via email at or give the Youth Office a call on 4736 3000.
Parents are vital to our ministry - and we’re always looking for help. Fill out the form below if you’re interested in helping out!
INY is committed to upholding the Child Safe Standards in NSW. All INY team members over 18 must hold a verified and current WWCC#. Team members must complete Safer Churches and Reportable Conduct training. You will be required to agree to a Code of Conduct.