You’re probably here because someone gave you an invitation to come to INY! (or just secretly lurking our website…)
Whether you’re a Year 6er about to be tall enough to come for the ride… or a local Penrith legend curious to know more… let’s tell you a little about a family we call IMAGINE NATIONS YOUTH!
Cool name… right?
But our name tells you everything you need to know.
We IMAGINE (see, dream, envision) NATIONS (countries, cultures, kingdoms) being transformed by the power of Jesus and His Gospel.
We see ourselves more than just a local youth group… we are a force to make Jesus known in our world.
Everything we do is about young people finding out about the Good News of Jesus and sharing the Good News with others.
Scroll down and click the arrows to get a bigger picture of everything INY!
INY Friday Nights are on every Friday during school terms. It’s a place where a bunch of young people come to hang out and learn about the Good News of Jesus each and every week.
We are passionate about young people finding their place in the INY family.
Our team is full of young adult volunteers who have come to INY through their high school years and have stayed to help the next generation of High Schoolers find love, belonging & help.
Why not come on a Friday and meet us? We promise you won’t be alone and we’ll make you feel super welcome!

#3 - INY CG’s
Connect Groups (CGs) are small groups of people that make a big impact on your life!
Each group is run by a great leader who helps young people connect with God and connect with each other.
CGs chat about lots of great topics, open the Bible and pray together, eat food, have fun & make sure you never feel alone.
Want to join a CG? Sign up HERE!